HAPPY WORLD FOOD DAY: It is Possible for Everyone to Access Healthy, Sustainable and Adequate Food

DÜNYA GIDA GÜNÜ KUTLU OLSUN: Herkesin Sağlıklı, Sürdürülebilir Ve Yeterli Gıdaya Ulaşması Mümkün - Panayir Gourmet

Due to the pandemic that has been going on for two years, civil wars, mass migrations, climate change and environmental disasters, 811 million people around the world are undernourished. Maybe we are not in a world war, but the deaths and diseases that people experience due to their inability to access food prove that there is a major crisis. On this World Food Day, we can raise awareness and at least do something to change ourselves and our environment. A better production, better nutrition, a better environment, a better life and a better future where everyone has access to healthy food is possible!

What is World Food Day?

The emergence of today dates back to the same day as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which was established in 1945. World Food Day is actually organized to celebrate the establishment of FAO and to draw attention to the themes determined by the United Nations every year, such as the impact of climate change on agricultural production and the nutritional deficiency that is experienced today and is predicted to emerge in the coming years. More than 150 countries in the world participate in this celebration with events. FAO determined the theme for World Food Day in 2021: "The steps we take are our future" and "Better production, better nutrition, better environment and better life".

One in 10 people cannot access food


The United Nations' 2020 assessment report shows that world hunger has accelerated with the addition of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the impact of the pandemic has not yet been fully revealed, it is estimated that approximately one tenth of the global population, that is, approximately 811 million people, is malnourished. This number shows that radical measures are needed to achieve the previously announced commitment to end hunger by 2030.

In many parts of the world, the pandemic has caused brutal recessions and jeopardized access to food. Regional conflicts, migrations, refugee problems and increasing drought as a result of climate change are also escalating the crisis. These are all identified by the report as the main drivers of food insecurity.

Children are most affected


More than half of the undernourished people, 418 million people, are in Asia; 282 million people live in Africa and a smaller proportion, 60 million, in Latin America and the Caribbean. But the sharpest increase in hunger was in Africa, where the estimated prevalence of malnutrition at 21 percent of the population was more than double that of other regions. By other measurements, 2020 was also pessimistic. Overall, more than 2.3 billion people, or 30 percent of the global population, lacked access to adequate food throughout the year. This indicator, known as the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity, jumped as much in one year as in the previous five years combined.

Malnutrition continued in all areas during this period, and children paid a high price. In 2020, more than 149 million children under five were estimated to be stunted or too short for their age. It is also estimated that more than 45 million children are underweight or too thin for their height, and approximately 39 million children are overweight. 3 billion adults and children could not eat healthy due to high costs.

So what does Panayır Gourmet do?


As our mission for 20 years, we bring healthy and sustainable products to our customers. In addition, in order to prevent food from being wasted and to minimize the waste rate, we produce according to daily needs and plan consumption for two days. Thus, our rate is now very low.

As Panayır Gourmet Family, we are carrying out an important project with the Red Crescent to reduce hunger on World Food Day. With the campaign, we aim to send Basic Food Packages consisting of healthy and sustainable products to our citizens in need who cannot access food. Join us and share our help. As Fair Gourmet, we will cover half the cost of each package you purchase. With the campaign that will continue throughout the day, we can provide healthy food to more people in need by purchasing packages worth approximately 300 TL. Basic Food Packages will be delivered to those in need determined by the Red Crescent under your name.

Come to Fair Gourmet on World Food Day and share in the goodness!

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