The 7 Healthiest Fruits of Summer

We all want to consume refreshing, healthy foods on hot summer days. Since our body's need for water increases in the summer months, the best way to meet this need is to eat fruits with high water content. Not to mention the deliciousness of these fruits, which are full of antioxidants! Because summer fruits are both delicious and healthy. We will feature delicious and refreshing summer fruits and their benefits in our blog. Here are the fruits you should consume in summer!

When it comes to summer fruits, the first fruit that comes to mind is naturally watermelon. Watermelon is indispensable for summer meals due to its taste and high water content. Consisting of 92 percent water, the crunchy flavor is a real source of vitamins A and C. The potassium in watermelon does not allow the water levels in your body to decrease. It also keeps your muscles flexible and improves heart health. Most importantly, the high water content prevents dehydration.

One of the most delicious summer fruits is melon. There are various types of melons in our country that grow until mid-autumn, such as Kırkağaç, Bal, Hasan Bey, Balıkesir melon. Melon, like watermelon, consists of 90 percent water. It is fat-free, does not contain cholesterol and sodium. It is also low in calories and a real source of vitamins A, C and potassium.

Grapes have numerous benefits and are rich in vitamins A, B1, C and E. It is also a real source of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, to cool down and be healthy, it should be consumed fresh in summer and dried in winter. How lucky we are that grape varieties that appeal to every palate, such as pink, purple, seedless and black, are grown in every corner of Anatolia.

Peach is a juicy and delicious summer fruit. It contains plenty of vitamin C and vitamins A and B. It is also rich in magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. Consisting of 85 percent water, peaches do not cause weight gain and help keep blood pressure balanced. It keeps you full because it contains high fiber. Peach is also beneficial in adding moisture and freshness to the skin.

Plum is a complete source of vitamin C and with this feature it strengthens immunity. It is very healthy for the digestive system with its dense fiber content. It is also rich in Vitamins A and K, sodium, potassium, protein, calcium and phosphorus. With its low calories, high fiber and water amount, those who want to maintain their shape should consume it regularly.

Cherry, another delicious summer fruit, is very healthy for the digestive system. It is rich in vitamins A, C and K and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and iron. It also has water and antioxidant content. It helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Phosphorus-rich cherry strengthens the nervous system and stands out with its calming properties.

With its smell and taste, strawberry is one of the most popular summer fruits. It is very rich in vitamins B, C and K. Strawberries, which are a source of antioxidants, give energy to the body, prevent vascular occlusion and reduce bad cholesterol. Therefore, fruits that should be consumed in summer should definitely be on your list. It is one of the most used fruits in dessert recipes.

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